Thursday, July 13, 2006

Free to a good home...

graphic courtesy of
Man, cutting the cord on this baby has been hard. Even though it becomes a catch-all for laundry more often than it's used as a chair, even though we have absolutely no room for it now, even though it probably gasps a little now when my big bod is in it, it's still the first piece of furniture I purchased after moving out of my folks' house. It has history. It's a symbol of independence for me. Or something.

But our apartment has officially reached its maximum where furniture is concerned, and it's all furniture we like more than the papasan. Even if I was to decide to Goodwill the chair we just got from Terra, I still wouldn't consider keeping the papasan, because I could instead move the small couch to the bedroom and move more of our chairs and coffee tables into the living room proper. We don't want to spend the money on a storage space, and we do want to keep all our other furniture. We have 4 dining room chairs that get shuffled periodically, because the dining room table is our computer desk, and 2 extra coffee tables thanks to dumpster diving (1 glass, 1 solid oak) that're too nice to toss back. So allowances are made.

So I posted a plea to my Knitting Bitches to see if any of them want to take it off my hands, sans the cushion because my cats have whizzed or horked on it at least once a piece. If there are no takers, I'll either donate it to the Pagan Pride Day rummage sale next weekend or take it to the Hubbard House thrift store.

I started making a to-do list last night, things like sorting through my movie poster collection, our VHS tapes, and unpacking and repacking old boxes. My movie poster collection is obscenely large and made up mostly of stuff that'll never go on my walls, so if it's not an absolute fave or a collector's item, I'll be giving 'em away to friends. I'd love to sell 'em on eBay, but I'm afraid of copyright infringement or something, since they were all procured when I worked at the theater.

It's little stuff, sure, but it'll go a long way toward organizing us. I'll start making an inventory of what's in boxes, and create an identification system (stickers? large labels?), since I've got boxes that probably date back to my NC move, so needless to say, there's a lot of crap already written on them and I'd rather not have something broken because of mislabeling. I'm also going to purge my filing cabinet this weekend, because it's getting impossible to put anything new in there. What's the rule: keep bills for 3 years, bank stuff for 5?

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