Thursday, April 03, 2008


Man, has it kicked in! Maybe it's because we haven't been anywhere since Christmas, but geez, I'm ready to get out of this town for a bit. We're planning to go up to SC next weekend; it's going to be nice to get the hell out of Dodge.

Since I'm back in Columbia mode, it only makes sense that when we go camping next month (for Dad's anniversary), we go to Sesquiscentennial State Park. It's right up the street from Husby's Lil Sis, and this way, when we're not traipsing around the wilds of central SC, we can be exploring the city a little more. Looking forward to it!

This weekend I hope to go over to Mom's on Saturday and plant that blankety-blank aloe (and do laundry)...otherwise, will try to spend time outdoors, and get some planning/dreaming/listing in...still on the mend from this blasted flu, so not making huge amounts of plans...would just be setting myself up for disappointment, and I'm disappointed enough that it's taking me so long to heal.

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