Friday, March 02, 2007

Where'd February go?

Seriously. I mean, I know it's a short month, but holy crap!

Quick status report:

1. Paperwork nearly set to fax to Quail Hollow. Cross your fingers.
2. Will complete paperwork this weekend regarding exercising stock options.
3. Tax return has been mailed. Since we need it so badly, I don't expect it to come nearly as quickly as it did last year.
4. Found the packing tape!!! Will be boxing and reorganizing this weekend, and hopefully throwing out at least the couch.
5. Finishing resume, drafting cover letter for park ranger job; application mostly complete.

When I spoke to the Quail Hollow folks yesterday, they mentioned having exactly what we need and want around the first week of May: a 2 br flat downstairs unit. Can't think about it too hard, because it makes me nutty that I can't do more to secure it at present. Once everything's faxed, I'll feel a little better.

Too much to do!

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