Wednesday, March 07, 2007

So many little things

Mom said today that getting ready for the move must be exciting and scary. Those 2 simple adjectives pretty well nail it. There's so many little things to address. We have large water and electric bills to deal with, and we can't pay rent until we address the water bill, which sucks. I mailed the tax return, and will now try to forget that I've taken care of it, so that when the money shows up in our account, it'll be a pleasant surprise. I faxed the application package to Quail Hollow, and am playing phone tag with their manager, to find out if we need to send a security deposit to hold our space on a waiting list for top of May, which we don't have at this time. And we've let the home phone lapse, probably for good, because that's a bill that just has to take a back seat to the others. All the money issues are a little overwhelming, but we're doing our best.

I'm packing books and tapes and stuff where I can, and trying to organize the house a little. I'm shopping for medical insurance up there, and putting together my application for city jobs, and I still need to deal with the paperwork for the stock options. Those things will occur this week; it's just everything went on hold yesterday so we could celebrate our anniversary :) 8 years married, almost 10 as a couple. Life is good!

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