Monday, January 22, 2007

Scouting Trip #1

Priorities this week:

1. Clean kitchen thoroughly, especially around and under sink, so that we can call the complex about the leak. Blasted kitchen faucet has graduated from steady drip to dribble. While we're at it, lean on them about the frickin' closet hardware.

2. Make a specific plan of where we're going on Friday and Saturday, and what information we hope to glean from the visit.

Leaving Thursday night. That's a biggie; if we put it off til Friday morning, Husby won't want to do nearly as much sightseeing on Friday, because we'll have just done 5 hours in the car getting up there. Also, figuring out how to politely, but firmly keep his mother from coming with us. She spends her weeks dealing with Grandma and Kylie, so she could crave an escape, but it would slow us down in a big way if she came with, so I'm going to gently keep stressing a specific plan of action for Friday and Saturday. Les has said that he doesn't want her with us this time either, but he's her son, so saying no ain't exactly a strong suit either.

And this ain't a pleasure trip; I've got plans. If we get done with the AIMCO apartment complexes early, then I'll want to check out Les's campus, then I'll want to look at the southside of town between I77 and Fort Jackson because it looks affordable and close to town while not so citified, then I'll want to breeze past some houses that I'll have highlighted simply for their rent rates, so that we can get a look-see at what money buys up there, then...and that's not counting hitting city hall to pick someone's brain on applying for the positions I see online and the Chamber of Commerce, because they were closed when we went there last time, and...

Cleared one hurdle this past weekend...the papasan made it to the dumpster! Of course, this meant that the couch was clear enough to sit on, which means having 2nd thoughts about getting rid of that too, because it really is a comfortable couch when you get right down to it. But we plain don't have the room, and I don't want to move it up there only to realize that we don't have the room for it there either. Another thing that makes it so appealing is how you can lean back a bit when you're sitting in it. Both the long couch and the chairs that we have are really straight-backed furniture, which I'm sure is great for the posture, but could be better from a comfort standpoint. But my couch is all torn up from the cats, and I know it'll be SUCH a relief when it's out of that spot and we can put the easy chair in its place. Just gotta keep thinking about that...

So this week, plan for the scouting trip and try to keep from alienating his mom. Small order. Going to crawl under the bed now...

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