Thursday, January 25, 2007

Addendum to the weekly priorities

Sink issue carrying over til Monday (I just love watching money drip down the drain), couch is on the back burner again as I fantasize about slipcovering and recovering it, and we're probably only doing 1 actual day in Columbia. That's ok though. I'm not ready to inquire about work up there yet; that was a pipe dream. Still have to fill out the application and copy it X number of times depending on how many I'm sending in, update the resume, and write cover letters. This visit is more about housing: if the AIMCO communities are feasible at all, and what the costs are, associated with living in those areas (utilities, high-speed Internet, cable, W/D rental, etc.) Either way, it's another chance to drive around and get more familiar with the area. Another reason why it's important that it's just Les and I; he can drive and I can take the passenger seat or vice versa. If his Mom came, she'd need the passenger seat because she gets carsick, but you don't get nearly the clear vantage point from the backseats that you do in the front, so if she tries to tag along, I'm putting my foot down. I want shotgun this trip.

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