Tuesday, March 23, 2010

So where are we?

I started this blog in '06?!

That does make sense...I'm just surprised so much time has past.

Yes, we're still in Jacksonville. Yes, I still hate it like the dickens. We're looking at Charlotte, North Carolina, because it's a large city so it has good job potential, and Les lived in the Raleigh area before, so he's not jazzed to go back there. It's not a bad area, it's just we're both looking for something new.

We tried to move in '07, but our credit wasn't good enough to find housing. And then Dad passed, and life went on hold. I can't say that our credit is much better than it was 3 years ago, but time has improved it a bit, even if our actions haven't.

Not much else has changed...our apartment is floor to ceiling stuff in places. I have a tall order ahead of me getting it purged down to moveable. Les has been ill for 2 months now (diverticulitis), and even when he's in good shape, he's unable to do as much as he'd like. I thrive on taking charge of projects like this, but as the year gets away from me a bit, it's rather daunting.

So time to initiate lists again...I pulled out the dayrunner at the beginning of this year, and it's proved helpful with doc appointments and keeping my head on straighter. I used to be a big ole Virgo list maker. So now, as March falls away from me so quickly, it's time to really look at how I need the next couple of months to lay out, and what I need to be doing to make them so.

Our lease runs out August 31, 2010. Ideally I should secure a new job a month ahead of that, by July 31, 2010. At the same time, I should be closing in on a home up there. Emphasis on home: we're not even looking at apartment complexes. I'm going to research rental websites and find a few key realtors or management companies, because I WILL get us into a house.

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