Monday, November 26, 2007

Inner sunrise

The title comes from today's Daily discussed how when a day is going south, there's the tendency to look to tomorrow as a fresh start, when maybe what you ought to be doing is starting fresh right then and there. A very neat idea.

It's like starting a diet on a Monday...does anyone do that and actually succeed anymore? Leaving out the fact that diets don't work...

Anyway, been thinking about my penchant for lists on this blog, and it brings to mind the joke I coin at the supermarket...about how the problem with those green reusable grocery bags is they only work if you actually remember to bring the blasted things into the store...unfortunately, the same can be said of my lists. I write 'em, I get all fired up while doing so, and then I flatly ignore the blog from then on. We may get some stuff done that's on them, but it's by accident, not because I'm noting things that need to occur thanks to a list. So maybe it's time to rethink the concept, or rededicate myself to actually paying attention to the lists.

I can't even think about moving out of state; it's on the back burner indefinitely. We're in such serious financial straits at present, there's just no point. Jordan's passing knocked our bank account so far in the hole, we're going to need an excavation crew to dig out. I can't be bothered to think about Christmas, because if I do get a bonus this year, it needs to go toward catching up on regular bills, like electric and car, before we even think about buying gifts for people. I don't know how that's going to fly with Husby's family, but I really can't be worried about it, especially since once we get past this holiday hump, we have to start working toward saving for the taxes we'll owe this year.

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