Thursday, July 28, 2011

A little hope on a Thursday...

So, let me see if I've got this.....the move suddenly doesn't appear as unrealistic as it should?

I ran our credit reports last night. Side rant: quite annoying that I can't get the "score" without paying $7.95 per to each agency...and further annoying that it's basically impossible to get the TransUnion report to run. But the other two agencies gave it up easily (one even lets you download a PDF of your report), and the results surprised me a little. The worst: two negatives I don't care about and have no intention of ever paying, and two negatives that are totally reasonable and can be paid off in a week probably. Holy crap! We may find our problem is not enough credit history!

That's by design, unfortunately; thanks to a repo, we've spent the last 5 years paying on a car loan that's not in our name (it's quite handy actually, having the same names, almost to the letter, as Les's folks), and we are part of family plans on both our cell phones and car insurance. We rent, and that'll be our saving grace hopefully, the fact that I've been renting places for 17 years with good standing/no evictions. I know we may still have a bit of a fight ahead, finding a place to live, but it feels a pinch more doable now, and that's an indescribable relief.
We're seriously set in our ways. I've spent the week feeling like I'm shaking something off. We're disorganized this week on evening meals, and aside from those credit reports, I'm getting little accomplished in the evenings. I'm glad to be heading into a weekend. The to-do lists are piling up in my head, and it's time to get cracking!

Image from here.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

So here's where we are...

The bad news from home that was mentioned at the end of the last post was pretty bad: my FIL was diagnosed with stage 4 adenocarcinoma. Still no known origin, but hopefully they can link it to Agent Orange, as he was a Vietnam vet with 2 Purple Hearts. He's had 3 rounds of chemo and is holding his own. All prayers appreciated and gladly accepted.

The job hunt almost went on hold for the last couple of weeks, because between back-and-forth trips to SC in June and the total lack of nibbles to my initial applications, I needed to stop and regroup. There's a possibility of job prospects at my Lil Sis's company, but I'm also looking hard at staffing agencies, because time is getting away from us already. Also, I'm so damn bored at my current position, it has me wondering if another career shift is in order. I have no intention of ever having a "career" singular, as I have too many things I want to do in this life. Why shouldn't I take this opportunity to branch out?

Because the economy may not let me. God, looking for work in this tenuous economy sucketh the big one! We can't move unless I'm employed, but we're so damn ready to get the hell out of Dodge, I don't know how we'll adjust if we're forced to stay. Can't think that way yet, just keep pushing forward.

I have a trip planned the 1st weekend of August to Charlotte. Between now and then, I'll be nailing down where I want to go...what staffing agencies I want to give my information to, and what neighborhoods I want to investigate/explore. I will also be visiting my bank for financial advice between now and then, to confirm that the move is in fact feasible.

Packing is about the only area where I've moved forward...I'm hitting a stage where we need bigger boxes, and I'm going to take what's already packed and a) see if it needs a new box because the old one should be recycled, and b) catalogue its contents.