Monday, August 27, 2007

Yeah, well, it was a nice idea....

That concept of getting anything accomplished this past weekend, that is. That funeral Saturday seemed to be ok, I made it through alright, but Sunday brought this emotional shutdown, the likes of which I haven't experienced in ages. I was completely numb, couldn't think about much beyond knitting or napping....have you ever been too depressed to cry? I was there. So I let it happen, and sure enough, as evening rolled around, I noticed a lightening in my mood, just enough to look at the short term and think, ok, I can make it to work tomorrow without wanting to go on the roof with a rifle and take out road ragers for principle's sake...

So nothing got accomplished, and that may not be a bad thing. The concern with mass purging of apartment detritus is the possibility that you'll throw something out that you might actually wish you'd kept later on. I keep looking at those old couch cushions and thinking, geez, they're a pain in the ass. And then I look at them and think, but if I cut about a 1/4 off of each of them, the small pieces would make good cushions for under my neck and back when I'm doing yoga, and the larger ones could be recovered together for a meditation cushion. And sure, that's some work, but the alternative is whining because you don't have a meditation cushion, because everything in our budget right now is assessed according to need, and that'd be WAY down on the list after food, shelter, car, etc. That wouldn't even make a Christmas list really; yet it's something that'd be real nice to have. Priorities.

So those will stay, and I may revisit the crappy bookcase as a source of storage for our DVDs, because we really don't have a place for those right now, and dipping in and out of boxes when we need something isn't the answer.

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