Monday, July 23, 2007

Well, could've been worse

Loathe when weekends go by as quickly as this sucker did. I'm going to start making lists again, so that I have things to cross off when they get accomplished; think it'll help me feel proactive.

Did get 2 biggies done this weekend: laundry, though it was a royal pain because Mom's dryer is basically useless; and moving furniture in the bedroom. There's actual floor space in the bedroom, and it baffles me that it took til Friday night for me to see how easy it would be to create that. I was planning to move the heavy coffee table into the closet, but I started cleaning on Friday night by clearing out all the crap from under the end table (reorganizing, throwing stuff out), and it dawned on me that the coffee table could fit in that spot. Measured the area to confirm this, moved all crap from around both tables onto the bed, and moved the furniture. We plainly have too much furniture for so small an apartment, but most of it is good stuff that we'd rather not throw out or consign, so once Les finds some kind of work, I'm going to look into a small storage unit.

I worked early Saturday, spent Saturday evening at Mom's house doing the laundry, and Sunday was spent with friends, so not as much time as I'd have liked. I'll have to be proactive about how I spend my evenings this week, because I'm pretty sure we're heading to SC this coming weekend for the baptism.

Friday, July 20, 2007

So, what have you done today?

I think I need to start asking myself that. Some time was needed for initial healing, but now that I'm back on both my meds and functioning better, it's time to look at our lives with that longer eye.

I went to an estate planning seminar last night with Mom, sponsored and taught by her attorney. Nice guy, makes it til the end before he really tries to sell you. It was informative and thought-provoking, and I was glad I was there with Mom...she did fine, but admitted afterward that her stomach was one large knot. It's necessary to learn about these things now, but it doesn't make it any easier, so soon after Dad. And the session reminded me of some things I probably learned in college, but had forgotten, like how every state is just a little different, so if you draw up a living trust in Florida and then move to say, SC ::grin::, you'll need to make sure it applies properly to the SC state laws once you've settled, so you can avoid probate or worse if something catastrophic happens.

Then this morning I'm goofing off on the Crafters Choice website (mmmmm, knitting books!), and in their clearance section, they have a CDROM offer for Suze Orman's Will & Living Trust kit. What the frick is that doing on a crafters website? Looks promising, may purchase in the near future, plus I believe in signs, so I'm thinking that I need to revisit the subject, and soon.

Sent away for and received info for Spartanburg (not so thorough) and York County (Rock Hill area - better)...ran both our credit reports for reference purposes, and will try to make the time to decipher those this weekend. There's a lot on the plate for this weekend though. Furniture moving, because we're inheriting some stuff from Mom, which means possible consignment or sale of stuff we already have (example: this'll bring our grand total of coffee tables up to 4! 800 square foot apartment, folks! But we're not packrats...). Even Les is starting to I think I'm going to have to strip and refinish the coffee table I like in order to justify keeping it. Or look into storage facilites finally.

We're mailing Les's SS disability paperwork this weekend, and he's on a new med that actually has him feeling human, so if it stays that way, it'll be easier to nag him into part-time work at least. He went to 2 job opps this week, which is more than I usually get him to, so I'm hopeful. In the meantime, I'm also reconciling myself to the idea of him only doing part-time work in the near future, and god willing, going back to school. It'll be very hard, especially when we're trying for kids down the road, but as long as we're together...

Kids on hold til end of year; trying to stabilize health, lose a few pounds. My BP was up of late, but I got that stabilized with a diuretic from my doc.

All this furniture, combined with the issues of living in a very old apartment with a fairly uncaring management staff, has me thinking more about house rental when we move. So I hope to make some lists, write some things down this weekend, just beginner's thinking of how we can make this move work once we've got our credit under control. That wasn't as bad as I thought; Les's end of it only has 1 Fair (2 Goods!), but we're both too low on the scale for your average landlord or credit institution to take seriously still.

So it's Friday, and I can't wait to go home and clean, move furniture around. It's been so long since we've had closet hardware, I'm not sure I care about getting it replaced at this point, at least not until we delete some of this furniture and STUFF! There are still several (a generous term) boxes that need to be unpacked, reorganized, repacked...I know I'm still keeping clothes and bags I'll never wear again. This weekend will be spent doing laundry and THAT!