Friday, June 15, 2007

Hello Little Blog!

So sorry for the neglect. I swear I haven't given up on the idea of moving to the Carolinas. It just got postponed by bad credit, and well, I couldn't be happier with that development now, as it allowed me to be in Florida without complications during the rather life-altering loss of my Papa. I can't imagine being anywhere right now except close to my mom and Lil Bro, and in decent proximity to Lil Sis. My heart has been ripped to shreds, and the shreds have been run over by a tank, and I know it's comparable for them as well. This is where I need to be for now.

However, it's time to shift mindsets again, because the ensuing chaos of a family member's demise served to make the apartment even more unliveable than usual. We threw stuff out, boxed stuff up, and then the floor dropped out symbolically on the whole move. So now we half live out of boxes, and we still never got the complex to install the new closet hardware, so the clothing storage sitch is a clusterf*ck. I kept pieces of my old couch that we simply don't have the room for, and there's a wealth of crap in boxes that still needs to be downsized. I consider myself heading in the right direction because I've managed to keep the kitchen clean for several days in a row this week, but it's a drop in the bucket when you look at the whole place. I mean, we're not exactly social butterflies, but I'd love the option of inviting someone over sometime, without feeling like I was sending them into a condemned building.

So first up is to make the apartment liveable. While I'm/we're doing that, I'll also be researching other cities and towns in SC and NC, to make sure we're making an informed decision in where we want to live. Because it's still going to happen, but there's other towns that pique my interest too besides Columbia...from an online standpoint, Spartanburg, Asheville, and Winston-Salem, to name a few. Gotta do my homework first. It may take another year or two now, especially when we caught up on our bills with the stock money, only to have Dad's death put us behind again as we exercised some loose spending in the weeks following...unavoidable expenditures, I'm not berating myself - I mean, when your Dad's just died, the last thing you want to be thinking about is money; but the key now is to get it back under control and start saving. Les is looking for work, and I may too, because Dad's death served to punctuate how completely boring my job is, and how I hate contributing to what I consider the lowest-common-denominator of capitalism. Ideally I'd like to find something full time with bennies that I don't loathe, while keeping WSP as a part-time gig from home. In Melanie's world.....

So anyway, first up this weekend is the dining room, which has become a cat-litter-strewn catch-all area in the last 2 months. Time to unpack and reorganize the books, make a box for Chamblin's, and set up my desk over there again. I want to set up the sewing machine, move some stuff around, unpack boxes that don't need to be packed, and designate a specific storage area of the apartment for the ones that are fine as is. We need to move the phone to a more accessible area, and possibly use some of the boxes we have left over as storage vessels for stuff like DVDs, CDs, etc. I'm starting to go bananas not having decent access to my books, so this area's definitely getting SOME attention this weekend. Probably won't end up being nearly as much as I want, but the work will also be a nice distraction to take my mind off goddamn Father's Day.

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