Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A tiny spark of potential good news

I think something cool has happened.

We've done a decent job destroying our credit over the last couple of years, enough so that I can't think about the move too hard because it brings on apoplectic hyperventilation at the thought that we'll never find a residence in Columbia when I want us to, because we're a serious financial risk. It's mainly some ancient bad check issues and old ER visit bills, and one biggie: the car repossession this past May. That's a serious biggie unfortunately, and no help for it at present.

So I go to my complex's office yesterday to put $ on the laundry card, and I inquire as to the status, or for that matter evidence, of the work order we put in 2 weeks ago about the bedroom closet (see other blog...short version, we can't hang anything). Come to find out that the reason the work order never got filled was because the complex has just been sold to AIMCO, and they're in the process of reintegrating management and staff.

AIMCO? That name's huge in the south! They've had apartment complexes in like, every town in Florida I've resided in. I race home, jump online, and sure enough, there are at least 5 complexes with varying shades of potential in the Columbia area owned by AIMCO. My thought is that we could possibly grandfather into a new lease, on the basis of our 9! years' residence in Auburn Glen, and hopefully bypass some of the heartache. Sure, I was hoping for a house initially, and it's still a possibility, but more important is to make it to the end of April and actually be loading a truck. Even as a stopgap (take a year to settle in, then find a house), the idea has possibilities, just gotta make sure the false eviction got cleaned off our record and talk to someone in management about transfer potential. Bugs me that the holiday will delay my work on this, but alas, Santa's nearly here. Cross your fingers for us!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Inching forward

Another trip planned for Christmas, but given that it's the holiday, it'll be tricky to plan any side tangents to Columbia. Plus, the cats have suddenly become high-maintenance on us again. Jordan's weight was scaring us, so we tried out some Fancy Feast on him, and he seems to like the Medleys...naturally...they're the nice ones with Garden Greens mixed in and weigh in at 80 cents a can. Oh good, a cat with expensive taste. Bringing them up there with us is a pain and a half, never mind how it disrupts them, especially Fig - she's a very active kitty and we'd need to keep her closed in a bedroom for the most part, because a) there's a couch in the house that she absolutely cannot claw, b) there's 2 other cats to beat up there, and one of them's very old and frail. It's not fair to her, but on the other side of the coin, there's the potential for Jordan to decrease his eating because he doesn't get soft food from us for a couple of days. I'm not subjecting friends to the scariness that is that apartment, to check on the animals, so that leaves family, which isn't a choice really. Meara will only be in town for a few days, between her NY trip and her BF's sis's wedding, and the last time I asked Lil Bro to housesit, and well...that situation went rather epic on us, so it's better not to burden my fam. Since I got several days off around Christmas, I'm thinking we'll celebrate a little here before going north. That way the cats won't be without humans as long, and we won't burn out on his family.

Not really seeing a significant change in Husby's headaches, but it's all about patience. I've been working long hours lately too, which doesn't exactly lend itself to a surplus of free time for planning, but the thought nuggets are there, so to speak. I want to paw through the paperwork again, all the brochures and stuff I got last time we were up there, to better acquaint myself with the area. I want to compose an amazing cover letter to go with my app and resume to the city, so that I can apply for the Park Ranger I position as soon as possible.

The closet imploding on us is a blessing; it's going to start me packing and labeling. Early, certainly, but I figure comprising a good system now for cataloging our belongings will make it easier to find things now and later, and make working toward this move smoother. I'm starting to use a Day Planner again, to keep better track of stuff, and I'm digging into Outlook on the new computer as well. My drugs must finally be working again. I'm more focused. Maybe it's the haircut ::grin::