Monday, August 20, 2007

Fresh week, fresh list

Nice thing about lists...they're not set in stone.

Cleared out the bookcase that held the CDs/DVDs and came to my senses about's getting tossed. We've had it for years, and it's a piece of crap...just not worth keeping around. In true packrat fashion, I thought about keeping the shelves for a moment (for what purpose, I haven't a clue), but came to my senses about that too.

Spent Saturday morning filing paperwork and going through our credit reports, which weren't nearly as scary and depressing as I thought they were. Not by a long shot. Granted the scores could be better, and we're still not in any position to like, move...but the debts that show up on both are manageable (with the exception of last years' repo, and even that isn't hurting us yet the way I thought it would be)....apparently credit reports are a bit backwards, meaning that old $50 debt is going to hurt you more than the $5,000 one. I ain't complaining. Plus my whole report SHOULD get a nice shot in the arm around April of next year (the 10-year mark for my bankruptcy). Or rather it damn well better or I'm gonna be making phone calls.

I learned this weekend what a case of baby steps it is, to tackle 9 years of accumulation in an apartment. Aside from the paperwork, I unpacked 2 boxes, packed and stowed another, unearthed the easy chair from all the papers and crap that've been sitting in it for months. It doesn't seem like much now, but I felt so terrific afterward. Now the key is keeping it up, and it's not that hard, it turns out. Last night, I couldn't find dick on TV, was too restless to knit or read, so I went back to the desk and spent 20 minutes going through some more stuff, simple filing mostly. I'm getting a lot better at managing my time and turning off the tube when necessary.

This week I hope to tackle more of the dining room, as well as the hall closet. I'm also going to cut the cord on the leftover cushions from my old couch.

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