Monday, September 24, 2012


Wow...almost October. Feels like we're no closer to moving, but several good things have occurred.

1. I've visited Asheville twice and it's warming on me. Definitely.

2. I may have procured a freelance gig with a publishing house in town.

I've also been trying to pack and purge, but it's been pretty slap-dash. Between traveling, tiny bits of OT, my neuralgia flare-up, and other excuses, it's definitely time to kick it into gear.

The most recent Asheville trip, weekend before last, was wonderful...Hubs came with, we hit town on a Saturday evening and got to see the locals in their native environment (seriously...that city is one big comfy party on Saturday nights), and we emptied the free publication bins for intel gathering. Les found a great moving list from a Relocation mag, that we taped to the bedroom door as a guide and reminder.

I sent my resume and cover letter on a whim to a place I didn't think was hiring, and it became a meet-for-coffee while we were up there, which turned into her offering me freelance work for now, because they're not planning to hire another editor until January. Oh darn, right when we're hoping to move! I'm praying she gets back to me this week, just sent her another follow-up email, and I'm eager to show her my editing chops. Meanwhile, my regular job could be a source of OT this week, but after that I need to start planning the rest of my PTO, because it's use it or lose it and I have almost 100 hours to burn between now and the end of the year. Oh darn, more trips to Asheville! ;)