Tuesday, July 14, 2009


There comes a point where you wonder if your hard work will ever pay off.

I'm in limbo. I'm hoping to move us around September 1, 2010 to a city in the Carolinas. The economy and Les's health being what they are, I'm trying to remain patient at my current job.

I've been working for this company for 9½ years. I know how they operate. They don't believe in cost-of-living raises, or merit raises, for that matter. Rather, they instill an incentive system to our pay that's supposed to pay off in spades when we hit certain criteria. For at least 6 years, they've operated on this premise. In the long run, it's pretty flawed, but they swear they're in the process of revamping it.

Meanwhile, I'm working a position that hasn't been filled in at least 6 months. One person or another got moved to another department, and I slid into the job. They've adjusted my pay pretty fairly, given the interim status of my work, but I get the sinking feeling that when they do get around to finally interviewing me for the position, I won't get it because they'll have someone else in mind. I have the backing of my immediate superior, and there are other superiors who know my work and react positively to the idea of my holding a supervisory position, but I've also seen this scenario happen before to other people, and it's impossible not to be cynical. I've also seen people placed in supervisory positions, where the choice made absolutely no sense and occurred to the detriment of the department. There's no point in looking for work while I'm here in Jax...would make much more sense to stick it out regardless, especially since Les and I are trying to start a family.

This situation will certainly motivate me to ensure decent employment wherever we end up moving, as well as expand my resume with computer training, maybe grab some freelance editing jobs to get my feet wet in that arena...but in the meantime, how long do I continue letting myself be used?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hello, little blog...

I haven't forgotten you...just might need to change the title to NCMoving...

Charlotte's the new obsession. Bigger city, more opportunities, slightly more temperate weather. We'll see where my mental wanderings take me over the next few months, as we renew the lease on the pit of despair and I reconnoiter our finances and budget/project...